
Position Title: Weapon Systems Design Engineering

Company: MBDA

Location: Bolton, UK

Job Description

MBDA are Europe’s foremost provider of missiles and the systems required to integrate those missiles to aircraft, ships and military land vehicles. In the UK it is an important part of nations sovereign defence capability and is prime contractor to the Ministry-of-Defence for a range of weapon systems in service with Royal Navy, British Army and the Royal Air Force. It exports systems to the nation’s allies around the world.


  • MBDA is the only European group capable of designing and producing missiles and missile systems to meet the whole range of current and future needs of the three armed forces. In service products supported by MBDA within the UK include: “Meteor”, “ASRAAM”, “Brimstone”, “Storm-Shadow”, “Sea-Viper”, “Sea-Ceptor”.
  • These will soon be joined by the “Land-Ceptor” and “Sea-Venom” systems”.
  • There are continuous improvement and enhancement programmes associated with all of these products and a range of new, innovative systems in development including: the next generation of deep-strike and anti-ship missile for the RN and RAF; a network enabled tactical strike weapon (SPEAR3) for the RN and RAF, and new battlefield surface to surface system (LPS) for the British Army.
  • MBDA is also a core member of Team TEMPEST which is developing the next generation combat aircraft for the UK and a growing group of international partners


  • MBDA’s Weapon System Design division is responsible for designing and commissioning the hardware and software within the systems that launch, control and plan the operations of the company’s missiles and the emerging alternative weapons such as lasers.
  • The Division works with a range of platform providers in the Land, Air and Naval spheres to integrate our weapons and ensure that the front-line users are able to use them to full effect.
  • There is a growing need for automation and intelligence in these systems to help our service personnel in facing ever increasing and ever changing threats. We have a continuous need for skilled engineering professionals across a range of fields and with a range of experience levels to push forward our technology objectives and deliver the ongoing programmes.

About MBDA

by establishing ourselves as an industry leader; promoting co-operation and delivering technical and operational excellence to our customer.