
Position Title:Emergency Services Coordinator

Company:City Of Boulder

Location:Boulder, CO

Job Description:

This position works under the direction of the Emergency Services Unit Supervisor but may report directly to another Sergeant, Commander, Division Chief, or Sheriff depending on assignment or incident.The Emergency Services Coordinator provides for the statutory responsibilities of the Sheriff outside of the typical law enforcement arena. They work as a liaison to maintain good working relationships, promote sound planning, and assist with conflict resolution among the emergency service provider agencies within Boulder County.  The Emergency Services Coordinator develops and maintains programs and provides training in the areas of the Sheriff’s non-law enforcement responsibilities.


  • Writes and administers grants related to Emergency Services.
  • Has a working knowledge and comprehensive understanding of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS). Serves as an incident commander on type IV search and rescue incidents.
  • Aids the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office operations division in internal training on emergency services topics.
  • Administers the ambulance contracting, licensing, inspection, certification, and compliance program for all ambulance transport agencies in Boulder County.
  • Is a MAC group member fulfilling the role in Emergency Support Function (ESF) 9 – Search and Rescue, ESF 10 – Hazmat and ESF 13 – Public Safety.
  • May be the liaison from an incident/event to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
  • Represent the Sheriff’s Office at meetings with local, state and federal cooperators.
  • May be a member of the Boulder Incident Management Team (IMT) Type III Team.
  • Complete proper incident reports and records.


  • Liaison between outside agencies and represent the Sheriff’s Office in a manner that effectively coordinates the efforts and abilities of multi-agency response to emergencies.
  • Communicate tactfully, diplomatically, and effectively with the public, coworkers and partner agencies.
  • Display effective time management skills.
  • Display effective planning skills – both short and long term.
  • Ability to work without direct supervision to organize activities and incidents, both in day to day operations and on emergency incidents.
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of modern emergency service principles, strategies, tactics, methods, procedures and management.  This includes hazardous materials, incident management, and search and rescue.
  • Organize material and present information clearly and concisely in verbal or written form.
  • Communicate effectively in public forums.